
The Budget Decorator , very nice site with lots of free high quality info. Offers an online six week cyber learning experience in budget decorating, with personal instruction via email, for $15 tuition. Every month a new free project is posted, they are archived on the site. This month’s free project is “exterior decorating on a budget.” Has kids’ pages. The webcrafter of this site must be a very interesting woman.

Miserly Moms , website of Jonni McCory, author of “Miserly Moms: Living on one income in a two income economy.” Site promotes book, but also has lots of high quality, free resources: recipes, tips, budget calculators , home schooling.

Budget Calculator , go through four steps that identify your expenses and income, and then it automatically calculates your household budget.

Online Budget Guide , from a Christian website, enter your annual income, your taxes, and your tithe, then it gives you a sample budget fitting all the typical household expenditures into your after tax/after tithe income. Has other budget/economic calculators, including a mortgage prepayment calculator that shows you how much money you can save by paying off your mortgage OR student loan faster than required by making extra principle payments with each monthly payment.

What’s it worth to reduce my spending? Calculate the financial effect of reducing various categories of your personal expenditures.

Frugal and Single , Frugal and single — how to save money even though you’re single, another great article by Pat Veretto, frugalista extraordinaire.

The Frugal Life , asks the question: are we living to work or working to live? Lots of resources, offers an email newsletter.

Frugal Moms , “live better for less,” free email newsletters and discussion lists, book reviews holiday idea base, “the frugal kitchen”, kids information, stuff for beginners.

The 20th century homemaker , conservative Christian site with a lot of practical details on frugal and simple household management.

Wacky Uses , alternative uses for common household products. Did you know you could use jello to style your hair? Mostly mentions brand names, but generics could be used, saving even more money.

Frugal Living at, we’ve featured this link before, but it is so good we’re mentioning it again. Lots of resources, great articles and links. I can’t believe it’s a plastic bag! It’s amazing what you can do with a plastic bag and a crochet hook. One Income Living , resources for families living on one income.

Frugal Living at , formerly the Mining Company. Excellent access, and a weekly email report.

The Underground Railroad to Financial Freedom , discusses the hidden costs of “two income living”.

Frugal Living Newsletter weekly email, has good stuff.

One Income Living index page of links from the frugal living pages at the mining company.

One Income Living in a Two Income World has good ideas for avoiding affluenza. Step by step instructions for frugality and simple living,

The Frugal Life , are you working to live or living to work? Has on-line newsletter.

The Underground Railroad to Financial Freedom 19 page report on frugal living as a substitute for “double income” families.

The Dollar Stretcher , “living better for less”, a weekly resource for simple living.

Message Forum at the Frugal Living corner of the Mining Company internet community. Post a question, find an answer.

Three Quarters of a Gallon , from Pat Veretto, guide to Frugal Living , about the recent trend of decreasing the amount of product in packaged goods while keeping the price the same. Pat maintains one of the internet’s best resources on frugal living, I have learned a lot from her and the links and articles at her pages.

Myths that keep Americans in the hole , discusses the common messages of modern society that encourage consumer addiction, overspending, and debt.

From Country to City , what’s a country gal gonna do once she moves to the city? No huge gardens, no woodpiles — maybe so, but still there are plenty of opportunities for frugality. From Pat Veretto, guide to Frugal Living (one of the best frugal sites in the known universe). Plus, the every-growing list of things you can do with a plastic bag.

How much is a ton of interest? Learn how much a mortgage can really cost you — and how you can save the big bucks on the total price of a mortgaged house. For a $100,000 house, you will need to earn $400,000 to net $300,000 to make your payments, providing $200,000 in profit to the mortgage lender — twice the value of your house! (“Mortgage” is derived from 2 Latin words that translate as “death grip”. Now you know why it’s called a mortgage.)

What to do when your income drops , from North Dakota State University Extension Service. Tips, ideas, strategies, resources for managing an abrupt loss of income.

Favorite Frugal Living Pages , at Pat Vereto’s Frugal Living pages at A list of readers’ favorites.